Sunday, 4 November 2012

I'm a mouse... duh.

This is an extremely belated Halloween post due to midterms/laziness/me being away frolicking in some hills this weekend like a true Canadian.  Before I even came out to Canada people were telling me how amaaazing Halloween over here is and how much effort everybody puts in, and when I did get out here, people were telling me the same still.  Last year I dressed up as Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter, and I did actually look quite good, I remember people outside Maxi's getting takeaway getting outside my house freaking out when I was coming back from the house party I went to.  Great success.  So I thought being British it'd probably be a decent costume to recycle and it was fairly easy to do, so I actually brought the long black skirt and boots I wore out with me. 

Turns out going as Bellatrix Lestrange wouldn't be the best idea, when I told people out here what I was going to be, they were like "Uh, like a slutty Bellatrix?".  Errrr no, because last year, I looked like this:

Naaaaat too slutty.  Yet according to the people I spoke to, everyone on Halloween is a slut (their words not mine).  Or to quote Mean Girls; 'Halloween is the one night a year when a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it'.  Basically, I'd be Lindsay Lohan in the scene where she goes to the party, and nobody wants to hear 'scary mask bro' yelled at them.  I tried to compromise and go as Dobby the house elf, only to be asked if I'd be putting a belt round my middle to be a slutty Dobby.  I can't even comprehend the thought of a slutty Dobby.  How could Dobby even be a slut?  So, determined to be somewhat Halloweeny, I went out and bought a shitload of spiders and webbing, some face paint and spiders-web eyelashes.  And a child's nurse outfit.  Just to get into the spirit of things (and it was like $12). 

But when I went shopping properly, I kind of realised what people had been saying.  The Halloween stores here are absolutely incredible, they literally have any kind of costume you could think of, my personal favourite being a fried egg.  I wish I'd taken some pictures, but honestly if you could think of any costume, they'd have something for you.  I realised that actually Halloween doesn't mean you're a slut; it just means you can be anything and everything.  So this concept isn't something I'm actually used to, because obviously at home, absolutely everybody is dressed up scary for Halloween, the scarier the better, but here it seems the more random the costume the better.

Too many choices (and lack of funds) meant I bought the pretty generic costumes mentioned above for the parties over the weekend.  Some of the girls here threw a party on Saturday night, and they'd gone all out.  The house looked incredible, one of them had even paper-mached eyeballs to hang from the ceiling!  And as for the whole idea of a slut theme, that had been totally exaggerated.  Everyone had made so much effort with costumes I'd never thought of making, my favourite was a unicorn, so good, and being seriously honest, nobody was dressed like a slut at all.  Thankfully there were no Lindsay Lohan moments and I got suitably hammered as always, being on the champion flip cup team didn't make me any more sober but definitely made my night.  Ryan was up again but out with his housemates and we met up with him at home where we bullied Jenny for a bit, then they went and got two taxis to Subway whilst I passed out on the floor in his monkey onesie.  Kudos to Jenny for forcefeeding me lettuce and filming it.

Wednesday was actual Halloween and I now wanted to Halloween up more than ever but had stupidly bought the most standard costume ever, a nurse.  Bloodied up and with a giant syringe I didn't look too shit, still would only give myself a 3/10 though.  Poor form from me, but in my defence I'd spent the entire day cramming for the 9.30 exam I had the next morning (and just found out I got 88% in, yeaaaaah, definitely doing exams hanging more often).  We got warned to be downtown before 10, which I thought was too early, but then again I know shit all.  The 9.30 bus from campus was horrendously busy, apologies to the guy clearly coming home from the library and feeling suicidal who we decided to terrorise.  And the queues downtown were crazy, even longer than Homecoming, I thought we'd end up back home and drinking within the hour.  With the after effects of Sandy meaning the rain was seeping through the plastic bag on my head, we make a quick choice and went to Jacks and ended up paying $5 more for getting straight in and into VIP.  I need to keep reminding myself than $5 is NOT £5 and I'm not always getting ripped off, and it was good inside, and FINALLY we found that the second floor doesn't play hip hop only, I actually felt at home with the music #luvinlyf.

Aaaaand in Jacks I realised the whole Halloween slut commotion, there were girls dressed like they were straight out of Ann Summers, but really, I don't care, they do that in the UK!  Well most weekends in Blackpool anyway, never mind Halloween, in Blackpool who needs an excuse.  Fair play to them braving the cold and still turning out dressed up like that, they're definitely braver than me.  But anyway, Jack's was fun as always, and Halloween definitely did live up to expectations.  I even saw event invites for Halloween afterparties this weekend, whyyy?!  Surely when it's over, it's over?  Apparently not.  Canadians don't do anything by halves!

Flip cup champions! yeaahhh

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